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This is my first ever blog post and I felt it fitting that I review one of our favourite books.


Akarnae by Lynette Noni. What to say about this book. Oh yeah, I absolutely love this book with my whole black heart. There is just so much to say about this book. I’m going to start off by saying that Alex is by far my favourite character, not only is she a kick-ass heroine she also isn’t as Mary Sue as some of the other young adult fantasy heroines. Akarnae gives me life.

The book starts off with our main character Alexandra Jennings who likes to be called Alex, arriving at an international boarding school because her parents are going on a trip for jobs. Stuff goes down outside and Alex ends up drenched after she tripped *cough**cough* was pushed into the fountain. Then in the main office is where the story really starts, Alex opens a doorway to a place called Medora. Then we meet Aven. Aven is annoying, insufferable and most importantly a psychopath.

I don’t want to give to many spoilers because Akarnae is the best read when you know nothing about it. But if your reading this review you have most likely already read it and for the sake of your sanity the whole of The Medoran Chronicles. After Aven is done being a weirdo we meet Alex’s future best friends Bear and Jordan. Who then introduce her to Akarnae Academy a place for the Gifted Humans of Medora. Fast-forwarding a bit we get to the Headmasters office but he’s not at the school he is away somewhere *oooh mysterious* anyways then she sucks

on a lollipop to decide her class levels, by the way, I really want to do the lollipop test. Fast-forwarding again we meet Dix, Alex’s roommate and other future best friend. Dix is kind of a bitch at first but eventually, she trusts Alex and they become besties. I’m not going to go into detail about the middle of the book but I will say this, Kailex is endgame, enough said.

Skipping to the end of the book we are shooketh to learn about the library and what Aven wants. Aven claims Alex. You have to read to find out what that means but it was the ultimate twist and what happens after is one of the most amazing scenes I have ever read. Overall Akarnae is full of twists, turns and cliffhangers with a dash of romance, sort of. Akarnae is a can’t put down must-read. Even if you don’t like fantasy books this has just the right amount of it. Read Akarnae today, you won’t regret it.

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